To celebrate CND’s 60thanniversary the organisation toured England with a larger-than-life symbol that it had built. We caught up with this symbol on 8 June in Manchester. To honor and celebrate CND’s 60thanniversary with the people of England we commissioned a florist in Manchester to make an exact replica of the somewhat metallic-looking Flower Power/Peace […]
What a contrast
In the late 1960s, the Hippie-Flower-Power movement turned the iconic symbol of the 1958 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) into the “Make Love not War” symbol – quite a contrast I would say… On our site, we presently have 8 nominated variations of the CND / Make Love not War / Peace symbol. You can […]
Thinking seven
Deeply rooted in the cultures around the world, 7 is simply a practical number that makes life easier for all of us. Since George A. Miller, a respected professor of psychology at Princeton University, introduced his theory of “The Magical Number 7” in 1956: our short-term memory is generally considered to have the capacity for […]
Hello seven!
Musically, 7 is the number of notes in the traditional Western major scale. Throughout world music, literature, film and television, as well as in the sports world in many cultures, the number 7 has featured frequently—a sign of how powerfully it appeals to people everywhere and during different eras. Looking at modern communications, 7 is […]
Believe in seven
Every religion and culture assigns a special place to the number 7. The Jewish Torah and the Christian Old Testament recount that God rested on and sanctified the 7th day, and in the Roman Catholic belief, there are 7 sacraments. Of course, the 7 Deadly Sins and the 7 Virtues that are well known in […]
A city reinvented
Manchester has reinvented and regenerated itself. The most visible example of this regeneration is the new, fantastic and futuristic-looking architecture of the Media City development around the old docks, along the enormous Ship Canal, which allowed container ships to reach Manchester via the port of Liverpool. At the same time, many of the valuable old […]
A new Renaissance city
Manchester is truly a Renaissance city. What a pleasant surprise it was to visit England’s first industrial city, which has been able to reverse years of decline. After decades of neglect during the last century, it has reimagined itself as a new, vibrant urban experience. What a turnaround!
Flower Power at City Hall
Sean Morris will present this floral symbol for Peace to the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor June Hitchen, when she returns from an official trip. On a different note, the book “If the Mayors Ruled the World” by Professor Benjamin Barber is a very interesting vision of how the world could be run by grassroots […]
Mayors for Peace
On 7 June, I was pleased to present the Flower Power /Make Love not War sign with our second, more durable, artificial flower version to Sean Morris, Principal Policy and Research Officer at Manchester City Council and Secretary of the NFLA (Nuclear Free Local Authorities). I learned about the Cities/Mayors for Peace movement with was […]
Happy 7 Wonders Day
On 7 July (07.07) the 7 Wonders Day I like to encourage people to be active — in every sense — not only to celebrate the officially elected New 7 Wonders of the World, but also to come up with their own ideas of wonders. On this day I invite everyone to become active in […]